12 Feb How much coconut oil should be taken?
The standard recommendation is 3 tablespoons per day. Different people have different opinions on this so it is up to the person taking coconut oil to decide. There are many ways to include coconut oil in your diet: you may take it as it is. Unlike other oils, coconut oil is very light and may be swallowed without much effort. If this is a little much for you, you may include it in your hot beverage or in your breakfast or use it in place of margarine, butter and other oils that you use for cooking and baking. Because of its high heating point, coconut oil is one of the best oils to use for cooking and will not turn toxic.
Now that we have covered the basics of coconut oil, we can now move on to its more technical properties and its move into what may be called medicinal food.
Ketones are proxies for glucose. The ketones from coconut oil are alternative energy sources which keep the brain running when it does not have its usual source. Recent research reveals that a diet chronically high in carbohydrates and low in dietary cholesterol is associated with the development of a brain based insulin resistance (now being called Type 3 Diabetes).
When the brain is not able to get the right balance of cholesterol and sugar, it substitutes beta-amyloid substances instead. This leads to the buildup of the amyloid plaques associated with Alzheimer’s disease.
Ketones found in coconut oil is accepted and used by the brain to function normally. It is not readily available in our bodies. Symptoms of Alzheimer’s are decreased and signs of improvement are documented. More studies are currently being conducted while medicinal food/supplements are being developed that include MCT oil. The effects of coconut oil’s ketones on other neuro-degenerative diseases are also being studied.
There is more information online One of the most popular studies on Alzheimer’s and coconut oil is this: http://coconutoil.com/AlzheimersDiseaseDrMaryNewport.pdf